
Guerrilla marketing = ambient marketing?

I came across a new term today, that I haven't heard before: ambient marketing.

Just for me not to forget: amibent media @ Wiki, and a very interesting definition from Google answers. It touches ambient marketing, viral marketing and roach bait (which I hadn't heard of before either).

To be investigated further within the near future...


Other "gurus" within event management

Haven't had time to check these authors out yet, but I will:

Joe Goldblatt

Craig Wilkinson

Oh, and it turns out I can borrow Getz's book at school. As soon as I get a little more time, I will try to borrow it and read it.


Donald Getz

Today I learned about "the father of event managemenet"; Donald Getz. (Click here for his info page at the University of Calgary.)
I would like to read one of his books; Event Management and Event Tourism, but it is quite expensive. $74.50 at Amazon.com! Too expensive for a poor student as me :). Maybe I could borrow it at school?



Second day of school. Project Management. A bit interesteing, but mainly repetition for me. I attended a programme at IHM Business School this spring, Project Management. The programme was arranged by IHM and the company that I work at, and was extremely useful. It gave me konwledge of a lot of tools that come in handy when planning a project.

In the IHM programme we discussed and learned about how to create background, scope, goal. Time plans, mile stone plans, gate plans. Timing, budget, risk mitigation lists, stake holder lists etc. We also got to practice on a "live" project from our company, and of course I also got to practice on the project where I was project manager in my "normal "every day job.

So, this course will probably be mostly things I know, but it can never hurt to repeat stuff you once learned.

Tomorrow: Event and tourism. Stay tuned for the next exciting report ;)


Back to school!

Well, well, today is the first day of school! I hope this programme will be useful for me, and maybe in the end lead to a job within the event business :)


Guerrilla or viral?

Hmm, I just realised that one of my previous posts (found here), about Seth Godin going Guerrilla, should probably really have been called "Seth Godin goes Guerrilla AND Viral". He is not only promoting his book with very little (and maybe somewhat unconventional) means, he is also asking you to spread his message (the book) by viral marketing. You, reading the book, telling your friend, who tells his sister and his colleague, who tells their families, and so on... Smart.

Well, I just keep learning more and more stuff, every day. I love it! :)


Viral marketing (again)

For more reading about Viral Marketing:

At Wiki: viral marketing.

At Web Marketing Today: The Six Simple Principles of Viral marketing.

Viral Video Marketing

Check out this blog post, about Viral Marketing. Mike Laurie (who is a digital planner at JPMH Integrated Marketing Communications) has, on JPMH's blog Ship's Biscuit, tried to identify different patterns within viral video marketing, videos mostly posted on YouTube or forwarded by email, by someone who might do it for fun, or maybe even by a company wanting to market themselves. If you are "smart" enough to get your brand name into one of these viral videos, you have got yourself some "free" marketing. I discover new and interesting stuff on the internet all the time, and I intend to write more about this phenomena.
I haven't checked out the full article/post yet but I will sure do!

BTW; I got the tip from Seth Godin's blog, of course ;)


Carsonified and moving

Oh boy, would I like to work here! 4-day week but full time paid! The guys at Carsonified seem to be working mainly with computers and web apps (none of which are my strong sides), but anyway, one can always dream ;)
What I found interesting on their site is that they recently moved all their email to Gmail. I m very much in love with Gmail and I really like the idea of companies having Gmail as their standad email program.

Anyway, I have had some holiday time and I used it wisely. I packed all the stuff from my apartment because I'm moving up North! I have been accepted to a one year school program that deals with event management and event producing. I'm really looking forward to it and I will hopefully have more time to update the blog with relevant stuff!