
Quote from the previously mentioned article

In the article "Kultur som kassaklirr - så skapar upplevelsebaserade evenemang nya värden åt turismen", by Niklas Gustafsson (University of Stockholm) and Staffan Holm (EMA Telstar) (link to my post about it) there is another interesting quote:

"Upplevelsen skapas därför genom komplexa, ofta ickelinjära och ickesekventiella nätverk av företag och individer som fokuserar i tid och rum på eventet och dess omgivning. ... Dessa komplexa nätverk är i högsta grad intressanta att studera både för akademiker och för praktiker."

My translation: The experience is thus created through complex, often non-linear and non-sekvential networks of companies and individuals, who focus in time and in room on the event and its surroundings. ... These complex networks are of highest interest for being studied, by both people with academical skills and by people with practical skills."

I wish I had more time, so that I could really study these things that interest me so!

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